This 2022 travel series follows Celebrity Chef Yuda Bustara as he travels to 10 different cities around Indonesia to seek out the most legendary local restaurants. The show marks a momentous collaboration between tech giants Viu and GrabFood, in association with Vivo.
Director: Hans Andreas
Producer: Wanyi Pratiknyo (@thewanyihp)
Creative Producer: Russell Wijaya (@russellwinjaya), Brahmma Wijaya, Lotta Lemetti
Line Producer: Anelkha Raj, Nabilya Dhela (@dhelak12)
DoP: Dhyan Galih Wicaksono, Muhammad Abdulloh
Asst. Camera: Muhammad Abdulloh, Muhammada Diansah
Asst. Director: Eloys Sincarla
Production Assistant: Sachin Raj
Host: Yuda Bustara
Post Producer: Andrea Wijaya (@drea.irl), Anelkha Raj, Nabilya Dhela (@dhelak12)
Offline Editor: Verell Kwenardi (@verellkwenardi), Rendy Abi Pratama, Iqbal Giffary
Online Editor: Jason Chandra (@mosdut), Sandika Dharma
Colorist: Philipus Raymond (@phlraymond)
Sound Mixing: Dandy Fauzan
MUA: Herman “Minche”
Animation & Graphic Design: Faiz Aditya Rahman
Director: Hans Andreas
Producer: Wanyi Pratiknyo (@thewanyihp)
Creative Producer: Russell Wijaya (@russellwinjaya), Brahmma Wijaya, Lotta Lemetti
Line Producer: Anelkha Raj, Nabilya Dhela (@dhelak12)
DoP: Dhyan Galih Wicaksono, Muhammad Abdulloh
Asst. Camera: Muhammad Abdulloh, Muhammada Diansah
Asst. Director: Eloys Sincarla
Production Assistant: Sachin Raj
Host: Yuda Bustara
Post Producer: Andrea Wijaya (@drea.irl), Anelkha Raj, Nabilya Dhela (@dhelak12)
Offline Editor: Verell Kwenardi (@verellkwenardi), Rendy Abi Pratama, Iqbal Giffary
Online Editor: Jason Chandra (@mosdut), Sandika Dharma
Colorist: Philipus Raymond (@phlraymond)
Sound Mixing: Dandy Fauzan
MUA: Herman “Minche”
Animation & Graphic Design: Faiz Aditya Rahman